Taylor, Kaden, and Adam of Volare Tenors are transforming the way we imagine opera, combining the sweeping vocals of opera with the catchy lyrics that pop music is known for
Fresh off of a standing ovation from the judges at Canada’s Got Talent, Volare Tenors could not have asked for a better start to finally being able to perform in front of a large crowd. It was the confidence boost they needed after having to stick to primarily virtual performances.
“We did a lot of virtual stuff and got to do a little bit of live performing as things opened up, but capacity was so limited. This was our first time doing the type of show we had written this music for, which is a big theater, a huge audience, and lots of drama!” said Kaden.
Now that they’ve gotten that big performance under their belt, Volare Tenors are planning their schedule very carefully. When things initially opened up, the trio did a lot of performing at small gigs, but now it’s time to set their sights on loftier goals – though there will still be opportunities to see them.
“We want to be selective in order to do much bigger shows. At Christmas we did a tour where we incorporated choirs, like hundreds of people behind us singing our songs with us, so we want to produce larger shows that have instrumentalists in it. We should also be releasing our first album. It will be holiday themed, so we’re slowing down performing for the next couple of months so that we can write and record that album,” said Taylor.
The development of Volare Tenors is something the three of them are passionate about and they want their group to gain more visibility. Tours, performances, collaborations, and albums are all on the table.

“We want to increase our collaborations. We’d love to do our shows with a live orchestra sooner rather than later. We orchestrate all our pieces, so we’re ready to go; it’s just a matter of time to find the right group to collaborate with.”
The pop opera genre falls in the realm of the underappreciated and Volare Tenors would like to change that and push the boundaries of the sound. There are key figures like David Foster who helped define the sound and the expected repertoire, but their background and theater influence can help push those expectations.
“We’re interested in removing barriers and boundaries that people have the expectation of when it comes to opera music; but also vice versa when it comes to the ideas opera lovers have of pop music. They might not be aware of how ‘pop-y’ some of the music they enjoy really is.”
The Dreams of Volare Tenors:
Dream Venue: Madison Square Garden
Dream Collaboration: Celine Dion or David Foster
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